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Notcoin Faces Big Changes After the Coin's Listing

Notcoin Faces Big Changes After the Coin's Listing


The Notcoin team shared major plans for the project's development after the coin's listing, which is scheduled for April 20.

Just recently, the Telegram game Notcoin completed a major mining phase and is now preparing to list the NOT token. Since its inception, it has racked up nearly 9 trillion taps, attracted over 35 million players and has become the fastest growing Web3 game of all time. 

The game returns with a new rewards model immediately following NOT's listing. In-game coins will be exchanged for NOT. However, no new mining phase is expected. So, how will users receive rewards once the new model is introduced? 

The developers want to keep the game going. To do this, they will provide users with multiple pools where they will continue mining by clicking a button and earning coins with higher difficulty and lower rewards than the previous stage of mining. 

Notcoin will create a model where projects can buy up coins on the secondary market and then use them to top up in-game rewards. Thus, promoting projects in exchange for NOTs will be the primary model for farming. 

The game also invited its users to donate a few percent of their Notcoin mined to the development of the ecosystem. The game team also hinted that this will play a role in future in-game rewards. 

In addition to this, the developers will introduce a trading bot feature so that users can exchange coins within the messenger. The initiative is in development and according to the team, it will be different from the usual text bot. 

Among the more global plans is the development of an API to allow other game creators to embed NOT into their projects. This will make NOT more decentralized. 

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